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"Summer of Pride" celebrates inclusive gaming tomorrow!

Starting tomorrow, developer Midboss will be kicking off the Summer of Pride, a livestream event that celebrates the LGBTQIA+ community. In this event, streamers will play games featuring characters that represent the community, and last through the month of June.

Some of the games being covered include Night in the Woods, Undertale, and Life is Strange. You can check out the festivities right here .

Summer Of Pride Celebrates Queerness in Gaming on Twitch

SAN FRANCISCO – May 30, 2019 – Summer of Pride, a season-long streaming celebration of LGBTQIA+ games, developers, and streamers, kicks off tomorrow on theMidBoss Twitch channel.

MidBoss, developer of the inclusive cyberpunk adventure 2064: Read Only Memories, will host a month-long festival putting the spotlight on queer games and content creators. Throughout the month, streamers will play games with LGBTQIA+ themes and storylines, sharing and celebrating queer narratives through the lens their own personal experiences as members of the LGBT community.

Summer of Pride will feature Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, Life is Strange, Undertale, Night in The Woods, The Yawhg, Heaven Will Be Mine and Ticket to Earth alongside the previously announced Gone Home, Tacoma, 2064: Read Only Memories, Another Lost Phone, and many more. The list of games has been curated to featuring a variety of perspectives through high-quality representation of queer characters and storylines.

Nikatine, Deere and SuperxInvader will join popular content creator 8-Bit Dylan in streaming the games. These and other LGBT streamers will share their perspectives, discussing queer and other diverse content creators’ place in the gaming community alongside the importance of diverse representation in media.

“We’ve been able to organize an amazing event by working with people and companies who are just as passionate about promoting LGBT voices and stories as we are," said Cade Peterson, interim CEO, MidBoss. “Now that summer and Pride season have finally arrived, we hope to see a big turnout for the celebration.”

A full list of games, streamers, and the schedule is available now on the Summer of Pride website. For more info, follow the MidBoss Twitter and blog.

About MidBoss

Based out of San Francisco (although not the Neo kind), MidBoss aims to make the world better, safer and more inclusive for marginalized people, especially those across the gender and sexuality spectrum, by creating cool experiences through games and other forms of media which diversify representation, as well as becoming a platform for queer content around the world.

To learn more about MidBoss visit the studio’s official website, Twitter, and blog.



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