Developed by Pixelteriyaki, Super Weekend Mode is a game that tells the story of a princess who is not afraid to do what it takes to reclaim her belongings and Pixelteriyaki and Ratalaika Games can confirm that this princess’ story will have its chance to be told on consoles in 2019, when it releases on PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.
Super Weekend Mode will be released with a price of 4.99 USD / Eur. On SONY it will have cross-buy between PS4 & PSVita. Also 4 different trophy stack's at launch.
It will launch on:
SONY America: April 9th, 2019
SONY Europe & Xbox One: April 10th, 2019
Nintendo Switch (EU&NA): April 12th, 2019
Desiring to reclaim what is lost, Super Weekend Mode is a cutesy looking game where hearts must be caught, bunnies must be crushed and the bad need to be shot. We will see a princess chasing a thief through the labyrinths of despair, in a bid to get her belongings back.
Game features:
Gameplay centred around 3 buttons
9 levelsMulti-tasking mayhem
In-game leaderboards
Will you be picking this game up? Let us know in the comments below.