It's the weekend again, which means the members of Gamerheads share what they are playing this weekend. Join us in the conversation and let us know what you are playing!
Tim McGowan - Host of the Gamerheads Podcast/Reviewer
It's DnD weekend! Filled with fun and of course video games. As always my staple Overwatch will be played and then it's all Switch. Some Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered and Splatoon 2 practicing before the Mario 35 Splatfest next weekend! Have a great weekend and play some games!
Roger Reichardt - Co-Host of The Nindie Focus Podcast/Reviewer
I continue my quest to play Cobra Kai, even though the most difficult boss is the amount of bugs that I've run into. I finally made it through the level and made it to the final boss of the first stage. I enjoy the game and the tie in with the show, it's just frustrating the amount of game breaking bugs I've run into.
Phil Hoff - Reviewer/Site Contributor/Co-Host of The Nindie Focus Podcast
This weekend I'm planning on spending a lot more time with Immortals Fenyx Rising and Horace. Both game make me smile the whole time I play and we all know the world needs smiles right now.
Mike Ryan - Reviewer/Site Contributor/Host of The Controller Throwers Podcast/Co-Host of the Nindie Focus Podcast
What a koinkidink! Its DnD weekend for me too! Aside from pillaging and plundering, I plan to play some more Fortnite, and I really hope to start Hitman. Just picked it up so I'm really excited about trying it out.
Christian Kobza - Site Contributor/Review Editor
After playing through Dead Space: Extraction, Dead Space Ignition, Dead Space Mobile, and Dead Space 2 earlier in the week, I'll finally be finishing my journey through the Dead Space franchise by dedicating my weekend to Dead Space 3.
Matt Frazier - News Editor/Reviewer
I‘be been reviewing Summerland for the site and have really enjoyed it so far. Definitely some Urban Flow too, it’s a great couch co-op to check out.
That's what we are playing, what are you playing? Let us know in the comments below!